Finished Chapters
1. Eintrag (07.02.2017)
Förderjahr 2016 / Stipendien Call #11 / ProjektID: 1608 / Projekt: Exploring External Links in Twitter

Its already the end of January!  For this month i set the goal to finish the ‘State of the Art’ and ‘Background’ chapters and additionally, to create a small prototype.

I could finish the chapters and already had a meeting with my supervisor to review the chapters. She pointed out some minor mistakes, but overall we were very satisfied with the outcome. 👌


I created a small prototype and implemented a first sentiment detection package to visually browse through my collected data. This is really just a first quick implementation but will provide basis for the evaluation interface.

Next tasks are to incorporate the received suggestions and enhance the sentiment data sets with credibility values for evaluation purposes and create the evaluation interface.

Simon Brændle

Male avatar


Web Development
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