Förderjahr 2019 / Science Call #3 / ProjektID: / Projekt: PENNI: Richtlinienbasiertes Internet der nächsten Generation
Ines Akaichi recently presented our work on Usage Control at the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems.
Our use case is inspired from the IoT domain pertaining to a smart city, where residents make use of multiple smart objects, such as smart homes, cars, parking lots, etc. We assume that marketing companies are interested in the data produced by these smart objects in order to revise new or adjust existing marketing strategies. Thus, the manufacturers of these objects may host or use data sharing platforms whereby data resulting from the use of smart objects are shared with both their customers and various third parties. Consequently, these platforms could offer subscribers the ability to download data relating to smart objects or their users.
We presented a first version of the Usage Control Policy (UCP) language, which is inspired by ODRL and Rei, and is built on top of domain independent ontologies that feature deontic concepts and fine-grained constraints governing the use of data.
Additionally, our language has support for classes of enforcement that are derived from deontic concepts and which are important for making correct policy decisions.
The full paper can be found here: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3235/paper10.pdf