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3D Tiles Prototype
3D Tiles Prototype (14.05.2024)
Förderjahr 2023 / Projekt Call #18 / ProjektID: 6863 / Projekt: Potree-Next

One of the main goals of Potree-Next is support for 3D Tiles - a hierarchical levels of detail structure that allows streaming and rendering massive 3D meshes. Our prototype is now able to handle some types of 3D Tiles and thus display models with tens of millions of triangles in real-time. 


The following image shows a 3D-Tiles data set of the towns Le Locle and La Chaux-de-Fonds:

Le Locle


Close-up of Le Locle:

Le Locle Closeup


Furthermore, the Prototype supports the PotreeConverter 2 file format, so we can watch the combination of the entire Point Cloud of Neuchâtel, together with the 3D-Tiles data of Le Locle.



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