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Christmas Special
New Feature: Virtual View (03.01.2025)
Förderjahr 2023 / Projekt Call #18 / ProjektID: 6798 / Projekt: RxAngular

The #RxAngular team has a special christmas 🎁🎁 for y'all!

🚨 We've just released RxVirtualView ! A simple way to only display DOM nodes that are visible to the user.

☝️ It rounds up the virtual scrolling story with a generic approach when there is not a simple list.

🏗️ It's still under developer preview, so expect things to change. But it was too good to hold it back for another week :O.

📖 Check out the docs:

⚡️ Also here's a stackblitz to play around with

🤯 Early experiments on a huge enterprise application shows a reduction of ~5k DOM nodes on a mobile view. We've applied RxVirtualView only on to a single component.

Special thanks to Enea Jahollari for endless pair programming sessions, inspiration and PR reviews 👊

Virtual View

code example

Results of the first PoC

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