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Progress Update on "Trusted Age"
We are excited to share some significant updates on our project. (28.06.2024)
Förderjahr 2023 / Projekt Call #18 / ProjektID: 6884 / Projekt: Trusted Age

We are excited to share some significant updates on our project.

Since our initial announcement of securing funding from Netidee, our team has been hard at work transforming our vision into reality. Here's a glimpse into our recent progress and what lies ahead.

Moving from Concept to Creation: Initial Designs and Screens

The initial phase of our project focused on detailed designs and screen development. Our design team has created an intuitive and user-friendly interface that reflects the core values of Trusted Age: security, privacy, and simplicity. The designs are crafted to make the age verification process as seamless and transparent as possible for users.

Key design elements include:

  • Clear Navigation: A straightforward path for users to follow, ensuring that they understand each step of the age verification process.
  • Visual Feedback: Immediate and clear visual indicators guide users through verification, reducing confusion and enhancing user confidence.
  • Privacy Emphasis: Design choices that reinforce the importance of privacy, with minimal data input required from users.

These designs are not just about aesthetics; they are about building trust and ensuring a smooth experience that aligns with our privacy-centric approach.

From Design to Development: Building the Prototype

With the designs finalized, we have transitioned into the development phase. Our engineering team is working diligently to transform these designs into a functional prototype. This phase is critical as it involves:

  • Implementing Core Features: Bringing the age verification process to life with real functionality, integrating both trusted third-party confirmations and Zero-Knowledge Proofs.
  • Ensuring Security: Building robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access, consistent with our privacy-first philosophy.
  • User Testing: Early rounds of internal testing to identify and address any issues, ensuring that our prototype meets the highest standards of reliability and usability.

During our development, we decided to adopt React for our front-end framework. This choice was influenced by the fact that AWS's Face Liveness check, a crucial feature for verifying user identity in our system, offers robust support exclusively for React. While we initially considered Angular, the need for seamless integration with AWS's Face Liveness capabilities, which lack direct Angular support, led us to choose React. This decision ensures a smoother implementation of our age verification process and saves time.

Deep Dive into Market Research

Parallel to our development efforts, we have conducted extensive market research to understand the landscape better and validate our approach. This research has been instrumental in shaping our development strategy and includes understanding what users value most in an age verification system and how they perceive privacy concerns. And keeping abreast of evolving legal requirements to ensure compliance and future-proof our solution.

This research has reaffirmed the need for a solution like Trusted Age that not only simplifies age verification but also places a strong emphasis on user privacy.

The Path Ahead: Towards a Working Prototype

Our next major milestone is the completion of our first working prototype. This prototype will embody all the core functionalities of Trusted Age, allowing us to:

  • Test Real-World Scenarios: Validate our system's performance in real-world conditions, identifying potential improvements.
  • Gather User Feedback: Engage with a select group of users to gather feedback and refine the experience further.
  • Continue with development: Integrate additional features and security measures on the Trusted Age roadmap.

Stay Connected

As we move forward, we remain dedicated to our mission of revolutionizing age verification with a solution that prioritizes privacy and ease of use. We will continue to provide updates on our progress and share insights from our journey.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Trusted Age. We are excited about the positive impact this project will have on digital interactions, and we can't wait to share more developments with you soon.

Stay tuned for more updates as we advance towards our next milestone!

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