Ludwig Kampel
Ludwig Kampel
Profile picture for user ludwig.kampel
Ludwig’s research interests lie in the field of discrete mathematics and its use to solve applied problems, with an emphasis on the applications of combinatorial designs and combinatorial algorithms. His work has a strong focus on the application of results in these fields to practical problems of computer science, e.g. to software testing or hardware testing. Real-world problems can often be phrased as problems of discrete mathematics or theoretical computer science and as such be tackled with the corresponding formal methods.

Ludwig holds a master’s degree in Technical Mathematics with focus on discrete mathematics, and a PhD in Computer Science, with a focus on combinatorial designs and their application for software testing, both from the TU Wien.
Over the past years, Ludwig built up the Combinatorial Algorithms, Arrays and Optimization team (CALGO team) within the MATRIS Research Group.

In his spare time Ludwig enjoys committing himself to the activities of the Association for Advancing Applications of Mathematics (AAAM) ( and playing a type of soft-hockey (a.k.a. Bouncer-Ball).

Unterstützung & Kooperation

Ich biete

Angewandte Mathematik

Ich suche

Kooperationsinteresse für neue Projekteinreichungen

Künstliche Intelligenz /AI / Machine Learning
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