Netidee Blog Bild
Automation Flow Interface
Showcasing the technology powering our interface (03.09.2024)
Förderjahr 2023 / Projekt Call #18 / ProjektID: 6693 / Projekt: LoRaBridge 2

In this blog post, we want to give you a little insight into the automation flow web interface we are crafting right now. As we already gained some experience during our first LoRaBridge project, we chose Svelte and SvelteKit as the web frameworks powering the web interface. The rendering of the automation flows is handled via the Svelte Flow  library. As usability is a primary focus, we wanted to ensure that flows created while being offline (e.g. during connection loss) are not lost and that changes can be easily reverted. Pouchdb helps us achieve these goals. It is used as an in-browser database that can easily sync to a CouchDB instance on a server (or our gateway). As Pouchdb stores revisions of the data, users can freely move back and forth between their changes.

While the web interface is still work in progress, here is a first sneak peek:

Automation flow web interface

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