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That was European Researchers Night 2024
LoRaBridge 2 in Graz (08.10.2024)
Förderjahr 2023 / Projekt Call #18 / ProjektID: 6693 / Projekt: LoRaBridge 2

Greetings from Graz!


On friday 27.9 we visited Graz, where during european researchers night 2024 we had an opportunity to show-case our long distance home automation configuration test-bed for the first time. Our demo case included pretty much the complete system including the brand new user interface. The visitors were invited to program a simple home automation setting consisting of a motion sensor and a smart light-bulb. To our delight, quite many people stopped by at our stand to try our testbed and asked questions about the implementation. On top of that, the most heart warming experience was to see that even young kids were (with our assistance) able to put a home automation together. This was a good validation for usability of our UI. The foto below shows our freshly built stand.

Our stand at European Researchers Night 2024


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