Meet us at the SEMANTICS 2022 Conference in September in Vienna
DALICC will give a tutorial and introduce its open developer program (10.06.2022)
Förderjahr 2021 / Projekt Call #16 / ProjektID: 5763 / Projekt: DALICC

In this tutorial we give an in-depth introduction into the Open DALICC framework, current implementation projects and the open developer program accompanying the DALICC community initiative.

From September 13 - 15, 2022 the 19th international Conference on Semantics Systems (SEMANTiCS) takes place in Vienna. One of the special topics of this year's edition will be legaltech

Semantics 2022 Conference in Vienne, September 13-15, 2022
Get more information about the conference at

Modern IT applications increasingly retrieve, store and process data from a variety of sources to create derivative works. This can raise questions about the compatibility of components provided under various licenses and the application`s compliance with existing law. Ensuring legal compatibility within ICT-enabled, interconnected service systems is a time consuming, costly and complex undertaking, and hard to handle for non-legal and legal professionals alike. To tackle these problems, we developed the DALICC, a semantic web enabled software framework that allows to represent software and data licenses in a well-structured, machine-readable form and use this information for purposes such as moderated composition of custom licenses, facetted license search and compatibility checks between licenses.

DALICC is the one-stop-shop for managing and clearing of licenses for the purpose of digital asset management. It supports legal experts, innovation managers and application developers in the legally secure reutilization of third-party digital sources. The DALICC framework supports the automated clearance of rights, thus significantly reducing the costs of rights clearance in the creation of derivative works and opening up opportunities for a legally secure exploitation of third-party digital assets. In essence, DALICC helps to determine which assets can be shared with whom, under which conditions, thus lowering the costs of rights clearance and stimulating the data economy.

The DALICC framework, its technical components and its datasets are available via GitHub ( and provided under open licenses (MIT / CC-BY / CC-BY-ND) for sharing and reuse.

Who should participate?

This tutorial is dedicated to people interested in LegalTech and compliance management from the scientific and industry domain alike. License issues affect almost anybody involved in either creating or administering software or data-related products and services. This involves developers, data engineers, library people, legal personnel, sales personnel and many more. Participants of this tutorial will learn about use cases, the solutions that DALICC can provide to specific problems and provides a platform to exchange ideas and start collaboration to develop the framework further – even beyond the narrow scope of license clearance.

When & where?

This will be a half day tutorial taking place in a hybrid form at the Semantics conference. Details about the exact timeslot will be provided soon.

Program Outline

  • 09:00 – 09:50: Welcome & Introduction of the DALICC initiative (motivation, projects and vision) – Dr. Tassilo Pellegrini (Founder & Director of the DALICC Association)
  • 10:00 – 11:20: DALICC tech and service stack – Dr. Giray Havur (Lead Developer)
  • 11:30 – 13:00: DALICC technology roadmap and community activities – Dr. Sebastian Neumaier (Lead Community Manager)


In case you want to know more about this tutorial, do not hesitate to contact to contact me @ tassilo.pellegrini [AT]


legaltech tutorial open developer program

Tassilo Pellegrini

Profile picture for user Tassilo Pellegrini
Tassilo Pellegrini is co-director of the Institute for Innovation Systems and professor of economics at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten, Austria. His research areas are data economics, policy-aware web and artificial intelligence. He is member of the International Network for Information Ethics (INIE), the African Network of Information Ethics (ANIE) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPUK). He is co-founder of the Semantic Web Company in Vienna and Conference Chair of the annual I-SEMANTICS conference series founded in 2005.


data economics
IPR management
data and software licensing
policy aware systems
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