Smart Contracts are currently getting a lot of attention. Unfortunately if you want to write smart contracts and use them it can be quite challenging to get started. Compared to more mature areas of software development the platforms and documentation around smart contracts is evolving rapidly. Documentation often is out of date and code examples are difficult to come by.
Even more challenging, some people are publishing templates for smart contracts that include vulnerabilities on purpose in order to exploit them in the future in case they get used.
| A smart contract is a computer program or a transaction protocol which is intended to automatically execute, control or document legally relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement.
| The objectives of smart contracts are the reduction of need in trusted intermediators, arbitrations and enforcement costs, fraud losses, as well as the reduction of malicious and accidental exceptions.
Wer sind wir? Beim Entwickeln von Smart Contracts haben wir gemerkt dass die Mehrheit der bestehenden Projekte ihren Code nicht zugänglich bzw. sehr selten einsehbar machen und auch nicht unter einer Open Source Lizenz freigeben. Das wollen wir ändern und daher Open Source Smart Contracts zur Verfügung stellen.
Für wen ist es? EntwicklerInnen und Unternehmen die einen schnellen Einstieg in die Entwicklung von Smart Contracts mit hohen Qualitätsstandards suchen EntwicklerInnen welche die Open Source Smart Contract Beispiele als Grundlage für ihr Projekt nutzen
Was ist es? Die Mehrheit der bestehenden Projekte die Smart Contracts implementiert haben stellen ihre Lösungen nicht unter einer Open Source Lizenz zur Verfügung. Basierend auf Blockchain Infrastruktur Anwendungsfällen (decentralized autonomous organisations, proof-of-existence, decentralized data storage) werden Smart Contracts als Open Source Lösung zur Verfügung gestellt.
Wie funktioniert es? An Beispielprojekten wie decentralized autonomous organisations (DAO's), proof-of-existence, decentralized data storage, decentralized cloud rendering, decentralized cloud computing oder decentralized web hosting werden Smart Contracts erstellt die frei genutzt werden können. Die Beispiele umfassen neben dem Code ausführliche Dokumentation mit bildlicher Erklärung und optimalen Vorgehensweisen.
Pancakes Project Summary
Pancakes - A Collection of Open Source Smart Contracts
Smart Contracts - Getting started with a collection of articles and documentation
Smart Contracts are currently getting a lot of attention. Unfortunately if you want to write smart contracts and use them it can be quite challenging to get started. Compared to more mature areas of software development the platforms and documentation around smart contracts is evolving rapidly. Documentation often is out of date and code examples are difficult to come by.
Even more challenging, some people are publishing templates for smart contracts that include vulnerabilities on purpose in order to exploit them in the future in case they get used.
In this collection we focused on the most popular use cases for smart contracts at the time
Solidity Code Examples for Smart Contracts:
A collection of open source resources for smart contracts.
Tools, resources and use cases to get started with Smart Contract Development.
Mid-term Report of Project Nr. 3940 Pancakes
Final Report of Project Nr. 3940 Pancakes