Envisioning out-of-tune
Thinking about the what and the how (30.04.2019)
Förderjahr 2018 / Project Call #13 / ProjektID: 3803 / Projekt: out-of-tune

This month we put a lot of thought into the vision of the end product. In other words, what we want to do and how we will do it. The prototype is refactored and the knowledge we gained is utilized to think of some new and exciting features.


Out with the old...

We started off by looking at our prototype, which we had developed last year in December. There were many things we thought we could do better, so two of our developers worked through the whole source code and refactored it. This effort enabled us to re-use many parts of the prototype. We also had the possibility to identify and get used to many peculiarities of our development stack.

We also implemented a test environment, called Jest. Rigorous testing in combination with Jest ensures that our code is bulletproof and of high quality. This has great benefits for the end-user as well as for the team, because the number of bugs and glitches is low if everything is tested thoroughly.

It also decreases the time the whole team needs to spend to fix errors in the future. Therefore we already added unit tests to our codebase and will add more as development goes on. with the new

In the middle of April we finished refactoring and started to work on the requirements. We got together and ran some extensive brainstorming sessions to think of awesome and useful features we want to integrate in out-of-tune. The results of these sessions consist of a long list of user stories and requirements and an even longer list of specifications of those requirements.

We are still figuring out how everything will work together, but we have already taken huge steps in the right direction. We feel very confident that everything will go as planned.

Soon we will have worked out all the details and can finally start the main developing process.


Stay tuned!

P.S: Our promotional website is now online, you might want to take a look: out-of-tune



Requirements Tests Prototype OOT out-of-tune out of tune

Christoph Baumann

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