Förderjahr 2018 / Project Call #13 / ProjektID: 3803 / Projekt: out-of-tune
We are still alive!
The last few months we struggled to achieve a great progress due to the lack of freetime you get while serving at the Bundesheer or doing the counterpart at the Zivildienst. Two of our team members did their parts and can now focus fully on the project. Now we are coming back stronger and more motivated than ever.
We are eager to announce our project page where you can find all the information about out of tune. The page will be online in the next days and you can reach it at https://out-of-tune.org. For now, here is a little sneak peek of our new site:
We will also reactivate our twitter account, so if you want to follow us on twitter use this link: @OOT_out_of_tune
The prototyping phase of out-of-tune has also finished. We developed some new mechanisms and concepts, which will enhance the final out-of-tune application immensely. We were able to do performance improvements and improve our quality of code. We now work with a graph library that has a modular structure and we also want to implement this concept in our own application.
Another big announcement has to be made:
On April the 10th we will be present at the 4gamechangers festival in Vienna where we will get a little time on the stage to give an introduction to our project.
To be exact: our presentation will take place at the Marx Halle (Deep Dive Stage) 11:00 am.
We hope we will see you there!
P.S: From now on blog entries and updates will be posted more frequently.
Stay tuned!